When to use the correct technology is every bit as important as how you use it!
Up until the last few of years, the open source world of collaborative programming offered many alternatives, but they were often only effective for niche needs. You could find a decent Content Management System (CMS), but the code was junky and not always secure. You could find a good Ecommerce platform, but its Search Engine friendliness was abysmal. So for agencies like Red Clay, we had to build our own enterprise CMS platforms to meet and exceed client goals.
But when the economy crashed marketing budgets were drastically reduced which sent us looking for ways to do more with less. Our search took us back to the open source community to see if our technical expertise could take a good base system and grow it into an enterprise level platform. Fortunately we did and we have seen a major paradigm shift in the interactive marketing world as more agencies get on board with this new way of thinking. Today, when combined with skilled developers platforms like WordPress become best in class solutions.
Where technology was once a hurdle, we are now empowered to reallocate resources to the strategic side of each project reaching more goals in fewer project phases and with incremental cost savings.
So is there still a place in the marketplace for custom CMS programs? Absolutely. The latest version of our ClaySite CMS is light years ahead of other custom systems and the majority of open source platforms. But does every project need to be custom? Absolutely not. Understanding which technology to start with is now just as important as how to use it in any interactive marketing strategy. In reality, often times using a mixture of platforms may deliver the best solution in the end.
So when your existing web development company or interactive marketing agency tries to sell you on their technology platform as the only available option, make sure they can prove to you why. The open source world is much more advanced today and should always be considered as a viable option.
Please contact us today to see how we can put these technologies to work for you.