Allow me to explain. In today’s society, there is a misplaced sense of self importance. Think about it. iphones. ipods. MySpace. Facebook. All of these creations place me at the center of the universe. I lose my ability to filter my thoughts, reactions or musings because I am conditioned to tweet my every thought!
I remember when only doctors and drug dealers carried pagers. And when one went off…it was a big deal. It meant that person was important and was required to save a life! It use to mean something!
Today, hearing the ring, chirp or tunes of a cell phone means you are just one of the crowd. Yet, people have carried over the idea that being reached equals being important. Problem is, the mundane activities of your life is not open heart surgery! So I don’t want to listen to you discuss an upcoming trip on your Bluetooth in line at the store. Or sit through an awkward moment when a domestic dispute drifts my way at a restaurant.
But here’s the kicker. One of the last few places on earth that is magically removed from the noise of life is the movie theater. Whatever crap is going on in the world, or in my life, I can always unwind, unplug and enjoy escaping into another world. But some people don’t understand this. They bring their digital leaches into the theater with them. So when I’m trying to take a “Couples Retreat,” they are updating their facebook status, or tweeting about how the popcorn tastes. Now I’m taken out of my cinematic oasis, and thrust back into a reality I wasn’t ready for (and out $12.50)!
Yes, this is an interactive agency’s blog. And no, I am not saying social media is terrible. It has a place. It has a purpose. And, if used with discretion, it can be a wonderful tool to keep in touch, stay up to date and express myself. We even have evidence that social media tools can help a business drive traffic to their site and generate revenue. But we are losing all of that good as we drown in a tidal wave of me, myself and I.
So reality check. You are not too important to be disconnected for a few hours. To see a movie. Smell fresh air. Watch a butterfly. Spend time with friends and family. And if you think you are the exception (and you probably aren’t), then just don’t go to the movie theater. Please! Or else be prepared for me to send you a string of tweets filled with angry emoticons … after the show of course. = (