Tablets are becoming such a hot item these days that most consumers would prefer a tablet over a lap top this Holiday season. According to new survey results from PriceGrabber, 6 in 10 online consumers would rather have a tablet than a computer as a holiday gift this season and 7 in 10 believe the tablet to be a replacement of the e-readers as gifts. Which tablet do you think has the highest demand?
From these survey results, 63% would want an iPad 3 or iPad 4. 22% would like the Samsung Galaxy Note, 20% the Amazon Kindle Fire HD, 13% the Microsoft Surface tablet, and 12% the Google Nexus 7. These survey results stand despite the new IDC data that shows Apple’s share of the global tablet market falling from 59.7%Q3 2011 to 50.4% Q3 2012 which did not include the newly-launched iPad Mini. The iPad mini is now ranked as the consumer choice of lower-priced tablets to purchase as Holiday gifts this year.
What is the selling feature of the iPad mini? 37% surveyed said they preferred the smaller size and portability and 38% stated that it was the lower price point compared to the iPad.