All across the web, SEO experts are discussing the impact of Google’s new +1 feature as well as the impact that social has across all SEO efforts. Why? Well, as technology and our ability to share information has changed, so have our needs to collect information.
Just like when a friend recommends a restaurant via Facebook, if you click on a “like,” “+1,” or “share” link on a site, to search engines, that means, “hey, this is relevant right now” for whatever information they are sharing, and, for the keywords present on the page. So, while link building (getting others to link to your site) is important, sharing your website socially is equally, if not more, important.
The validity of a social “like” or “share” is so much higher than your standard link building efforts simply because they’re relevant today, not yesterday. And when we say relevant, we mean the link your friend sent you to Lady Gaga or Casey’s performance last night on American Idol relevant. Check out the video below for a little more info.
So, if you happen upon a search for Red Clay or another term and you see us, make sure to +1 us if you think we’re relevant.