Shopify posted an info graphic that I have found to be a great visual for the rise of mobile commerce. In 2013 many companies have shifted their budgets to include more focus on mobile coinciding with the inflation of mobile holders and interaction. Shopify has found that 1 in 4 purchases will be made on a mobile devise this holiday season. There has been a 6% increase of mobile browsers on Shopify stores than last year. They have also found that monthly sales have more than quadrupled this year ($4.2M) from last year ($1M). Tablets have appeared to be the largest spend on mcommerce versus smartphones and PC (see image below).
Where is your marketing strategy behind mobile for 2013 and beyond? According to a report by Forrester, 71% of online retailers are not mobile ready. eMarketer reports also that mcommerce in the planning to hit $31B ($119B worldwide) by 2015! Budge your budget and make room for mobile!