New study by hybris has found that 8 in 10 B2B procurers would opt for a supplier that offers online ordering over an equal supplier that only offers print catalog ordering. The top advantages for the option of e-commerce from a supplier is that it allows them to do business with suppliers at their own convenience (89.4%), saves them time (84.6%), and enables them to be better informed about the state of their order (80.7%). E-commerce options also allow for more information of products from the supplier.
Quick convenience is important to a buyer in the era of technology. Start thinking about making your website an e-commerce website. Finding products online versus in the print catalog is way easier (84.4% vs. 10.7%) and tracking orders online is convenient (88.6% vs. 62.27%).
From a supplier standpoint you will find that tracking inventory, orders, and order placement is all in one location and can be done through a CMS. Making the change over isn’t difficult, and if 94% of B2B procurers believe suppliers need to invest more into making their e-commerce experience as effective as a consumer website, it is certainly something to consider.